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Staying Centered While the World is Spinning; a Free Global PL Webinar

Tatyana Fertelmeister, Senior Facilitator

January 26, 2017
11:00-12:00 US Central Time: Register here

ebruary 2, 2017 
3:00-4:00 PM US Central Time: Register here


Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath. And collect your thoughts. And sort out your emotions. And pinch yourself to make sure that what just happened was indeed real. Sometimes you need to take a deep breath and take a step forward not knowing where the road goes. In moments like this you need as much clarity as you can master and have a compass that shows you True North. Sometimes it is just your personal moment of choice, your personal fork on the road. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of a very crowded intersection with lots of other people trying to figure out what to do next. Sometimes it is actually your job to lead them through this intersection of uncertainty and hope.

Are you ready?

This webinar will introduce a practical step-by-step approach to staying centered while the world is spinning. Personal Leadership can be defined as a system of self-management that allows one to be mindful and creative while operating under stress and pressure. Personal Leadership is built of six practices that people of different cultures, professions, and generations can easily relate to. When intentionally practiced PL provides us with a set of skills invaluable both professionally and personally.

Whether you find yourself affected by political events, by tensions in your community, workplace, or family and not the least by world and local news - we invite you to take this deep breath with us. And, if your job or your role calls for leading others we invite you to put your oxygen mask on first. You will be better prepared to lead others when you effectively lead yourself while you are leading others.

This seminar will be offered twice, once on January 26, 2017 at 9 am PST and again on February 2, 2017 at 1 pm PST. The attendance link will be posted on the PL website in early January. Questions? Just send us an email at info@plseminars.com.

