What We Offer

Facilitator Program

The Personal Leadership Facilitator Program is open to any professional who uses or would like to use the PL method in their work.

The Facilitator Program is

  • An 18-month intensive program structured around developmental coaching and a formal recognition review process
  • Designed to help program participants achieve a high standard of excellence when they consult, train, teach or coach using the Personal Leadership method
  • Managed and governed by PLSeminars’ Senior Facilitators

The Facilitator Program has prerequisites . . .

  • Completion of a Training of Facilitators seminar conducted by either the PL Founders or designated Senior Facilitators
  • A strong commitment to your own Personal Leadership practice
  • Readiness to use Personal Leadership in your work
  • Experience as a designer and facilitator, and confidence in those roles
  • Readiness to further develop your skill in PL-specific design and delivery
  • The intention to ultimately be recognized by PLSeminars as a Senior Facilitator

The Program’s core ingredients are

  • Onboarding: This is the process through which Program participants become Associate Facilitators. They are introduced to the people who manage the Program, to the PL Founders, to the global community of PL Facilitators, and to the Program’s services and platforms.
  • Developmental benchmarks: The benchmarks are a rubric of 15 measures against which both Associate and Senior Facilitators assess their competence. The Training of Facilitators seminars are structured around the benchmarks, developmental coaching works towards them, and the recognition review process reviews for them.
  • Developmental coaching: Program participants contract with a Senior Facilitator for ten hours of coaching during the first 12 months of Program enrollment. The coaching is customized for the individual participant. The Senior Facilitator helps the Associate design and implement an action plan for meeting the benchmarks. Your Program begins when you contract with a Senior Facilitator and begin your developmental coaching.
  • Recognition review: The recognition review is a transparent and developmental process. Participants in the Program put together a portfolio that documents their learning along the Developmental Benchmarks, and that assesses their readiness to be recognized as Senior Facilitators. They select three Facilitators to join them on their review team: two Senior Facilitators and one Associate Facilitator.

Participants must engage the Program fully,
and are encouraged to complete it within an 18 month period. 

The benefits of participating in the Program include

  • Guided development in the effective design and facilitation of Personal Leadership teaching, training, coaching and consulting
  • Enrollment in the vibrant PLS global Community of Practice, through which practitioners and facilitators develop opportunities to gather, work, earn, learn, and play
  • The opportunity to be recognized by PLSeminars as a Senior PL Facilitator

Your Facilitator Program costs include

  • Coaching fees, negotiated by you with the Senior Facilitator you choose as your Developmental Coach. Typical rates range from US$125 to US$250 per hour
  • Administrative fees, paid directly by you to the PLS administrator for services received by you (on average, $250 maximum over the length of your Program)
  • Editing fees, paid directly by you to a professional editor as you prepare your biography for the website (PLS can recommend an editor)

The community of Personal Leadership Facilitators is an international group of interesting, creative, energetic, committed and caring individuals. We warmly invite you to join us.

Contact PLSeminars to ask all your questions.

