Who We Are

Who We Are


Lancaster, Maureen

Maureen P. Lancaster, EdD

Cork, Ireland, and Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

  • Adult learning
  • Mindfulness facilitation
  • Social and community development

PL work
Maureen Lancaster, EdD, offers opportunities to learn the practice of Personal Leadership in Ireland and the U.S. She works primarily with community and nonprofit organizations and in university settings.

Other work
Maureen’s passion is creating learning opportunities that provide a catalyst for others to become more of who they are.  She experiences this as one of the critical gifts realized through the practice of PL.

She engages in leadership and community education in both Denver, CO. and Cork, Ireland including courses in Women’s Leadership, Community Leadership, and Earth Awareness.

When she served as director of the Center for Individualized Learning at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, Maureen enabled learners of all ages to pursue self-designed and self-directed interdisciplinary degree programs. These programs included the integration of experiential learning as an essential part of the learners’ academic programs.

Maureen learned the foundations of facilitating Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts’ School of Medicine in Worcester, Massachusetts.  She is a member of the Order of Interbeing, Plum Village, in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

She enjoyed a sabbatical working at the Centre for Adult and Community Education at University College Cork in Ireland, which offers community based educational opportunities for adults in Cork City.

Her volunteer work focuses on community development and the care and protection of the environment, connecting people with one another and with the gifts and wisdom of the natural world.

Personal background
Maureen is the daughter of an Irish mother, who was also a WWII British Army veteran and community activist, and a father who grew up in the farming culture of Nebraska and Colorado.  She’s lived most of her life in Colorado, moving to Ireland to live part-time after leaving her full time work at the Metropolitan State University of Denver.

She earned a master’s degree in Community and Adult Education at Boston University in Massachusetts, and a doctorate in Adult Learning and Development at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colorado.

Other interests
Gardening, playing guitar and piano, creative writing, hiking, reading, and spending as much time as she can outside with friends and with Mother Nature add to the joy in her life.

