Facilitator Guides

Designing and facilitating PL-infused or PL-focused learning events takes some skill and experience. The best way to explore the nuances involved is to participate in a Training of Facilitators seminar, followed by a Facilitator Program which you and a coach customize to your leading edge.

That said, not everyone is able to come to a Training of Facilitators seminar or to continue into the Facilitator Program. Even those who have done so often ask for additional support. To that end, we have developed this set of Facilitator Guides.

The Guides offer:

  • Clear instructions and well-tested lesson plans.
  • Activities that help learners understand the value of PL and integrate its practice into their lives.
  • Variations that will help you adapt to your particular learners’ needs and interests.
  • Handouts when they are used in the activities described.
  • Guidance on designing and facilitating no matter what your situation.

These guides are provided exclusively as downloadable PDFs. This enhances your flexibility in using the guides and facilitates distribution for us. You can choose to print the full document or only the handouts, whatever makes sense for your own situation. And you can access them as soon as you make your choice below!

There is a charge for every Guide except the Introduction, which is a brief overview of the content and purpose of the Guides as a whole.

The Guides are available for individual purchase or, at a significant savings, as a compilation.

And if you don't already have a copy of the PL book, Making a World of Difference, remember that going back to the beginning can sometimes be the strongest way forward.

