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Join Sheila to explore PL and Beyond

Actualizing Your True Authority to Make A World of Difference
Sheila Ramsey, Ph.D

June 16-21, 2019
Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, New York, U.S.A.

Register here.

Are you deeply moved, even feel an urgency perhaps, now more than ever to make a difference? Do you wonder what difference can really make a difference in our world today?


I have found that the difference that makes a difference  arises from a quality of consciousness, or being-ness, we embody that serves as a context for all that we have learned and wish to share. Such being-ness can be experienced as a felt sense of unbounded potential.  As we become aware of and release online casino in ireland what blocks us, we make space for this potential to flow through us incorporating, but not bounded by, our skills and our ‘best selves.’ The more we align and collaborate with this greater Creative Intelligence, the more we are actualizing our true authority. 


In this session you can:

  • Uncover the foundational purpose driving all you do
  • Explore ways you are and are not in true authority in your life
  • Recognize your unique experience of unbounded potential and presence
  • Practice allowing your felt sense of such potential to guide your actions and choices
  • Identify next steps and create a personal container to sustain you in light of all that has occurred for you in this session


The workshop is both experiential and didactic; we will engage in group dialogue, individualized coaching, self-reflection, somatic inquiry, sitting in silence and stillness and applied field work.


Our actions in today’s world truly matter. As we gain clarity about how to directly align our actions and lives with this Creative Intelligence, we are more enlivened.  As we grow in our capacity to act through this Intelligence, the arising possibilities can open unimagined doors, plant seeds of movement in intractable situations and create release in deeply held resistance.

Learn more and register here.


